Saturday, April 5, 2008

Thing # 23-I made it!!!

One word: Worthwhile
I am a lifelong learner and always looking for new challenges. Maybe that is why I have chosen to go back to grad school and pursue a MLS. I enjoy studying about things I never knew before and loving it.

This was an excellent way to get me to experience and learn new technology. I know this will help me in preparing for the future. Many of the tools I have already used in my classroom and look forward to implementing in a library. I will definitely participate in another technology learning experience like this one. I liked going at my own pace. I've found some things that I'll probably make use of and some that I won't, but it's good to know that these exist, even if I don't use them. My favorite exercises from this whole brouhaha were Trading cards, My, Animoto (I'm addicted), wikis and flickr.
Great job overall! What a wonderful learning experience this has been.


VWB said...

hope you enjoy using all the new tools you have discovered and hope you will keep us updated thru your blog.
Congrats on completing the 23 Things!

Grendel said...
