Monday, February 18, 2008

Thing # 12

Rollyo was interesting to say the least. At first I was totally confused, then I got into it. I don't know how often I will really use this. I am going to be optimistic and say I'll come back for more. I do know that I ended up finding a lot of information on the subject I was looking for.

I went back to Rollyo and did more exploring. I don't like leaving a stone unturned. I didn't realize that I could search through only a selected number of my favorite sites. Neat! It has its advantages over Google and Yahoo.


VWB said...

What subject were you successful with? I am trying it out in various scenarios and would like to have some samples where I know someone was sucessful with their search terms...Thanks!

Goody2Shoes said...

I am going on a cruise in July to Alaska. I wanted to look up Alaskan excursions. I found great information.