Saturday, February 23, 2008

Thing # 14

Wow-you can spend hours in Technorati. I could never get the first video to come up. However, I managed to forge on.
It was fun to explore, but after seeing the word "F******" under More Rising News Stories, I know I wouldn't use this for students. I'm not a prude by any means, but I find foul language so tacky and juvenile. Tags make looking for things easy. It helps get you organized, something I am trying to do with my life. I chose not to claim my blog.


4th grade said...

Many of the same thoughts have crossed my mind as I have taken this journey and learned about the new "tools" out there. I sure wish that we could do something to prevent these types of things.

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon! I do understand that this is cringe but we're living at the time when Internet took over everything. And trust me, Internet contains so many F-bombs and searing in general that it became daily thing to be honest. You can't secure students from internet. You just have to use what it's offering without any back thoughts. For example, i know that students often use service which is not a bad thing to do, right?