Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thing # 3

Skype is the new hype. I have not actually had the opportunity to have a video conference yet, but I like the fact that it is both video and audio conferencing live. I will definately try setting this up on my Macbook since there is a camera component available. While reading and watching a couple of videos, I started thinking of the endless possibilities of using Skype in the class as well as the library: meetings, authors, learning another language, students having online book chats.
One concern I had in using technology: students in the library use the internet to talk or IM someone right across the library. At least this would make them use verbal skills along with personal ones. I want them to have meaningful conversations and this would be a great tool to do that.


VWB said...

I agree with you...having students using these tools even across the room makes them better and more enthusiastic users...of course, I wouldn't allow class distruption as I know you don't!

I do think Skype might be the thing for us to concentrate on...across the district and hooking up with authors or other classes around the world

jlfoster said...

About using the internet to comment across the library, I know families who text when their are all at home, parents to text each other when they don't want little ears hearing about going for ice cream and other families who communicate via facebook while in the same house. I think it is just where we are in technology usage and as you mentioned in a previous post librarians can move them into the academic uses of these tools/toys.